USB Serial PIC Programmer Kit
USB ports are just about standard on all PC's now a days. So this is our first PIC programmer using the USB port. Just in case, we have also left a standard serial port connection - DIY Kit 149.
- USB/Serial Port Connection
- Software that can be updated as new Pics are released
- Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP Compatible Software
- ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) Connector
- Quality PCB and Silkscreen for Easy Assembly
- Complete Assembly and Programming Instructions
- L: 4" W: 3" H: 5/8"
- Requires external 16 Volt DC @ 50 mA power supply
(Need a Power Supply?) - Requires USB or Serial Cable
- Includes standard IC sockets (ZIF socket available as separate purchase below) What is a Zif Socket?
Here is a list of PICs that the MicroPro Software Supports and that this programmer will program. New PIC's are released by the mfg very frequently, so it is impossible to always be up to date. You can add to the software on your own, and new updates are released about once a month:
12C508 12C508A 12C509 12C509A 12C671 12C672 12CE673 12CE674 12F629 12F675 16C505 16C554 16C558 16C61 16C62 16C62A 16C62B 16C63 16C63A 16C64 16C64A 16C65 16C65A 16C65B 16C66 16C66A 16C67 16C620 16C620A 16C621 16C621A 16C622 16C622A 16C71 16C71A 16C72 16C72A 16C73 16C73A 16C73B 16C74 16C74A 16C74B 16C76 16C77 16C710 16C711 16C712 16C716 16C745 16C765 16C773 16C774 16C83 16C84 16F627 16F627A 16F628 16F628A 16F630 16F648A 16F676 16F684 16F688 16F72 16F73 16F74 16F76 16F77 16F737 16F747 16F767 16F777 16F83 16F84 16F84A 16F87 16F88 16F818 16F819 16F870 16F871 16F872 16F873 16F873A 16F874 16F874A 16F876 16F876A 16F877 16F877A 18F242 18F248 18F252 18F258 18F442 18F448 18F452 18F458 18F1220 18F1320 18F2220 18F2320 18F4220 18F4320
See CK1708.pdf for complete details, including schematic and theory of operation. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader available at for FREE!
Software Downloads: (Please note: you must use the diypack that is stated in the documentation that comes with your kit.) (Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP) (Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP) (Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP) (Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP) - Software protocol so people can port it to other platforms.
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